1. Install DD-WRT (you can find the compatible devices here: https://dd-wrt.com/support/router-database/)

2. Access to the device through the web interface 

Enter URL to your web browser:
Default user:admin
Default password:admin

3.  It may occur that WAN and LAN port cause a clash of DHCP server DD-WRT and local DHCP server.

(default setup IP with configured DHCP server on in the range

Go to Setup tab > Basic setup tab

Connection Type: Automatic Configuration - DHCP

4. It may occur that WAN and LAN port cause a clash of DHCP server DD-WRT and local DHCP server.

(default setup IP with configured DHCP server on in the range

Go to Setup tab > Basic setup tab

Connection Type: Automatic Configuration - DHCP

You set and split again WAN and ETH ports by changing the parameter "Connection Type" on the tab Setup/BasicSetup from "disabled" to "Automatic Configuration - DHCP" (to distribute IP address from the parent DHCP server) or "Static IP" (to manual setup).

5. Wireless interface configuration

Go to: Wireless tab > Basic Settings tabmake sure that the WiFi interface is enabled 

Wireless Physical Interface ath0

Wireless Mode:AP
Wireless Network Mode:Mixed
Wireless Network Name:Your Wireless Network SSID (name)
Wireless SSID Broadcast:Enable

and SAVE

Go to Wireless tab > Wireless Security tab

Security Mode: Disabled

and SAVE

6. Hotspot configuration

Some versions of DD-WRT suffer from firmware error causing not rewriting UAM Domains from the Chillispot setting. Due to this fact, you enter these domains also to the hotspotsystem.com setting.

Go to Services tab > Hotspot tab

Hotspot Portal section / Hotspot System.com

Hotspotsystem.com: Enable      (this is temporarily ON and must be disabled when all done - bypassing the firmware error. Follow the instructions below)

Special settings: Enable

UAM Allowed:

UAM Domains (space separated):

captive.aiwifi.io storage1-prod-media.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com api.aiwifi.io sentry.io connect.facebook.net facebook.com sentry.io cloudfront.com lr-ingest.io

and SAVE

Now disable the hotspotsystem.com settings you've just adjusted.

Hotspotsystem.com: Disable

and SAVE again

Configure chillispot now:

Hotspot Portal section / Chillispot

DHCP Interface:LAN
Hotspot Network:
Primary Radius Server IP/DNS:
Backup Radius Server IP/DNS:
DNS IP: (it's recommended use DNS server address of your internet service provider)
Redirect URL:https://captive.aiwifi.io
Shared Key:request to [email protected] (case sensitive)
Radius NAS ID:myNas
UAM Secret:
802.1X Authentication (EAP):Disable

UAM Domains (space separated):

captive.aiwifi.io storage1-prod-media.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com api.aiwifi.io sentry.io connect.facebook.net facebook.com sentry.io cloudfront.com lr-ingest.io

and Save & Apply Settings

It should look something like this:

7. Configure Time Settings

  1. Navigate to Setup > Basic Setup
  2. Under Time Settings, set:
  3. Save and Apply Settings

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