Guests Insights

Interactive Guide

Now you can filter your Guests Insights by campaign, and more!

We added new features so you can filter the guests information to develop marketing strategies for enhanced customers experiences.

1) Filter by First Connection

Now you can write the name or email of the search client and filter the information by the first connection, clicking on the button and selecting the date of the start and date of the end on the calendar deployed.

2) Filter by Last Connection

Is great that now you can see the last connection of your client so you can know if his loyalty is growing or descending.

3) Filter by Campaign

Now you can filter the client's data information by campaign so it will be easier for you to implement strategies knowing which type of campaign works better for them. 

4) Guest Details

By filtering your clients, you can see your guest details like the associated devices they are using, when was the last time they connected to your WiFi Network and more, so this way  you can improve in advance strategies to enhance customers experiences.

5) Clear Filters

Click on "Clear filters" if you want to delete the filters you did before.

6) Export your CSV for comprehensive reporting

You can export your Guest List to keep in touch wit your clients and generate strategies to improve their loyalty to your brand knowing their interests and their opinion of your business.

7) You will receive an email when the data are ready

Remember the link will expire in 3 days.

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Export a Guests List